Protecting Tomorrow Today®
Parks Operations & Maintenance Webinar
Working safely in a parks environment requires a comprehensive understanding of the tasks at hand and the equipment designed to effectively and efficiently perform the work. Today’s parks and open space practitioners must be able to function in various capacities.
This two-day course is designed to help enhance the competencies of both new and seasoned employees, while setting the right foundation blocks for those being introduced to the world of green space maintenance and management. Participants will be introduced to industry best practices, equipment, health and safety in the workplace and liability of the employee or municipality. Participants will also practice documentation and learn legislative requirements for protecting the municipality.
This course will cover:
DATE: Dec 14th & 15th, 2023
TIME: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
COURSE COST OPA Member: $416.00 OPA Potential Member: $653.00
This course counts as 2 credits towards your Parks Practitioner Designation.
Register above online. An invoice will be sent to you within 24hrs of registering. Payment can be made online through the invoice you will receive or via cheque (made payable to Ontario Parks Association).
Click here to read our registration policies.